End the Sewage Scandal
Help us clean up our waterways
In 2020, water companies released raw sewage into Britain's waters more than 400,000 times.
Southern Water pumped 476 hours' worth of sewage in to the River Itchen between 2021 and 2022. Threatening the delicate ecosystem that is home to water voles and white-clawed crayfish.
Water companies make profits of £2.2 billion a year. We want to enforce a sewage tax, with a legally binding targets, so that we can protect the Itchen from the threat of sewage dumping.
Show your support for our campaign by signing our petition below
This has major implications for the safety of our rivers in the long-term, not just for our endangered wildlife, but for the swimmers, dogs, and children who will not be able to play safely
Liz Jarvis
Sewage Dumping in Eastleigh Borough
Show your support to end the Sewage Scandal